Monday, October 24, 2016

Greenie Fire is the best kind of fire!

Hellooooo everybody! What a crazy week this has been last week! Lots of hard work! 
Elder Bednar came to our Mission and it was AMAZING! We all did this workshop together on learning and seeking by faith and it was such a spiritual strength. I learned a lot from him on truly being humble and how vital and important the Spirit is in our lives. It was so fun because we got to see everyone in the Mission!
My NEW COMPANION!! She's so cute. Like I said before her and I have been out on the Mish the same amount of time and she just barely got done with her Training! we always say we are both Greenies still! Ha! GREENIE FIRE.  I LOVE IT because we both want to work sooo hard. She is fluent in Korean and English and ah we work so well together. We don't have very many people to teach right now, but that just opens up new opportunities to FIND:) And that's exactly what we've been doing! There is lots of appartments here in Korea so everyday we pray for guidance, and go out and start all the way up on the 17th floor of an apartment building! and work our way down! I love it! A Miracle happened the Other day and I wish to share it with you.
It was our first day going out together to go 가가호호 (door knocking) and we prayed for inspiration from the Holy Ghost where to go. We went up to these apartments where lots of families live so we were very excited. The first building we went to, they all have locks on the door to even get into the building so I was trying to get in, but nothing was working. We felt prompted to go to this building but in reality the odds weren't in our favor. So we saw at the next building over, a Grandma and her granddaughter going into the other building. So I grabbed my Companion's hand and said "Let's go We're getting in there whether they like it or not!" so we ran and made it into that apartment building! We were both so excited to work so hard here in this area so we started at the very top floor and began knocking. Unfortunately, no one would answer their door or would shut the door on us. We finally got down to the 6th floor and nothing was happening. I was getting a little discouraged and said a prayer in my heart to have someone be ready to here the word. FINALLY! We got down to the 5th floor. And this lady answered and let us in her house. We started talking about the first lesson and the it was amazing because her and her daughter apparently were recently talking about how they've been wondering what church to go to. WHAT A MIRACLE! It was amazing. We got her phone number and hopefully we will be meeting with her again.
The Lord works in crazy ways! We wouldn't have met her if we were able to get into the first apartment building, but it a panned out so perfectly. We were so happy and excited. And we are working so hard every to find people here in Korea!
Quote of the Week
"I have never seen a foreigner in real life before. Only in movies. This is amazing."
We visited a referral who works at a hair shop with all her best friends and they are so funny. I don't know what they say half of the time but we had dinner with them and their so fascinated that I am a foreigner. HA!
-Sister Kaufusi

Monday, October 17, 2016

Korea Weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6!!

WEEK 6; OCTOBER 16, 2016


Hi everybody!!!

This last week has been beyond crazy. I finished my first transfer here in Korea!! Which went by so quick! My Companion, left for America today and I get my new Companion this week! Her name is Sister Park. SHE IS AMAZING. Let me tell you, she's Korean and she was in the MTC with me my first three weeks! Her and I actually were really good friends but since she was Korean she left after her first 3 weeks in the MTC and I wrote her a goodbye letter saying "I hope someday we can be companions!" and she wrote that in mine as welll. And guess what!! WE ARE NOW COMPANIONS!! I couldn't be more excited. She is truly amazing and I can't wait to work with her.

So first off this past week we had Zone Training and our Mission President and his wife came and joined us. President and Sister Madsen are so wonderful and I'm so grateful for them and their hard work. We got to see everyone in our Zone and that's always fun to see all the Missionaries!

We went and visited a lot of Members this week and they LOVE TO FEED US! I haven't eaten this much food in my life haha. It got to the point where my Companion and I would not eat breakfast or anything until we had to go and eat because they feed us so much food that by the end of it we can barely walk! haha It's so good though and the Members here are amazing. We shared some messages with them on the Atonement and Jesus Christ and it was very spiritual.

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Mother and Happy Birthday to my Awesome Dad as well! Geez they're such amazing parents and I'm so grateful for them!

This past Saturday was SPORTS DAY. And 1. I have never been so sore in my life, 2. I love Korea and 3. Who knew Korean Woman could be so competative! Ha! I love it!!

The Stake I am in are all amazing members. I love them all so much! So they have this annual sports day where the whole stake gets together and play sports literally all day. We took one of our investigators and I was so excited. First thing we did, was STRETCH! They have this stretching routine and it was super funny. After, all the Mom's, Daughters, Sisters etc. All played a soccer game. This was a legit game! They were all so excited and told me in broken English "Kapushi, don't pass to us. You take ball, and score only. OK? SCORE. SCORE.SHOOT and SCORE." It was the best game of my life! We ended up winning 2-0 and after I scored they all came running over jumping and clapping. haha it was so cute I'm so much taller than all of them I look like a giant!! They were all so cute and funny but SUPER COMPETATIVE. I was laughing so hard. I would try and pass them the ball and they would just tell me to go and shoot because they wanted to win haha they had an announcer and everything and it was super fun. They had kickball, races, everything. We played all day and it was up in the Mountains of 충주 and it was so beautiful.

This week Elder Bednar is coming to Korea! He's speaking to all of us so we will all be going down in Gwangju to go see him. It's going to be a busy week out here but I love it so much! Have a great week everyone!

-Sister Kaufusi

1. All of us at sports day!
2. This little boy is in the Ward I'm serving in and he reminds me so much of my Twin Brother Devin. haha He is so funny! I beat him in an arm wrestle but no worries that was only after he beat me about 10 different times! 
WEEK 5; OCTOBER 9, 2016


Hello Friends and Family!

This week was amazing. We taught one of our Investigators and I tried to participate as much as possible and I'm pretty sure she did not understand a thing I was saying but she said she could feel it in her heart that what we were saying was true. Really amazing. The Lord is so mindful of his Children and I think often times we forget that but he is aware of us and knows us personally. We are Children of the Almighty God! How amazing is that. This is something amazing to recognize. We are the literal Children of a loving Heavenly Father who created all things and has blessed us so much. I love it!  

This Past week we were able to meet with one of the Ward Members who took us out to for lunch. Her name is 완인숙 and she is an amazing Woman. She told of her story on how the Missionaries were meeting with her husband a while back. And they were amazing Missionaries. The Elders were teaching her Husband and he cared for them very much. He told her that if he were to ever get baptized, he would want to be baptized by one of the Elders that was teaching them. Later on, her loving Husband passed away. And he never had the chance to get baptized. She, is a strong member of this Church and has so much faith. Later on, she miraculously found the Elder on Facebook that her Husband was talking about. And he was visiting Korea within that month! She quickly contacted him and asked him if they could arrange a Temple date so her husband's temple work could be done and he could have the chance to baptize him through baptisms of the dead. That Elder, came back to Korea, with his family and they were able to do her Husband's Temple work and he was able to be baptized by the same Elder that taught him so many years ago. She was so happy telling this story and at the end she said "He said he wanted this Elder to baptize him if he were to ever get baptized. And look at that, that Same Elder Did get to baptize him." HOW AMAZING!?! Her husband passed away but the joy of temple work and baptisms for the dead, even though he passed away, they were still able to do his work and he was baptized. Amazing.

We were able to watch conference this week and how amazing was Conference everyone?! So many good talks that were so thoughtfully and spiritually prepared by Disciples of Christ. 

I want to say so much but I have little time so I will highlight one of the talks that stood out to me. Brother Uceda gave a very powerful talk on paying attention the the Holy Spirit but also pin pointing the importance of prayer. Prayer, is vital and so important. When we pray do we pray as if it's a burden? To try and go through a prayer as quick as we can so we can hurry and do something else? Or do we pray with real intent, talking to our Heavenly Father about our day and our desires. He invites us to pray always and he knows our hearts. When we  pray do we pray for our will to be done or do we pray with God's will in mind? These are some of the thoughts I had and then the scripture came to me about "They pray with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Brother Uceda went on to say the Lord doesn't say "I am too busy to hear your prayer, or you hnly come to me in troubled times. I will not listen." No. Only men do that. We have a loving patient Heavenly Father who is always there listening and wanting to help us. When we pray with sincerity and real intent, it changes our whole perspective on prayer and what prayer really is. 

I've learned a lot through Conference and I hope you have to and to always have a prayer in your heart!! Have a great week and sorry this one was kind of long!

-Sister Kaufusi 
1. Some of the food! So Good!
2. With the STL's and Sister Haddock celebrating the birthday! 
3. The cutest family we go and teach them 2 times a week english and gospel! They're all the cutest little girls. They giggle when I pray in Korean because I have an american accent when I pray and I know so little. hahaha 
4. At a ward function! Playing some games with the Cute Old Grandmas :)
WEEK 4; OCTOBER 3, 2016

Food 1000x! Birthdays! Split!

First off it was General Conference!! How was Conference for everyone?? In Korea we watch it a week later so I'm so excited to watch it.
The Land of Korea is amazing. So many amazing people and so much good food. Funny story about that. This week I got to on splits with the STL's and Sister Haddock and that was so fun! I love all of them so much and they celebrated my birthday by going to Baskin Robin's and eating this big BUCKET FULL OF ICE CREAM! While we were there we visited a Members house. She was very nice and made SO MUCH FOOD! Because there was five of us Sisters and so she MADE TONS OF FOOD. It seriously covered the whole table.
Now I can eat a lot and earlier that day before we left for the Split, my Companion and I went to go visit our Bishop's Wife and share a message. She's known for being a good cook so we ate so much food at her house. and we ate all of it! After, we went to the City over to do splits and we went to this Members house and we. ate. so. much. food. I literally almost threw up because of all the food and I was praying in my heart so hard to Heavenly Father to please not let me throw up and I didn't! She kept putting so much food on my plate and I just had to eat it all. I imagined I was Bronson or Corbin haha and said "I JUST GOTTA EAT IT ALL" Pretend i'm a football player. But we shared a message with her and it was really fun.
Today, our ward had a ward activity and it was so fun! Almost all the Members were there and we ate and then we played some games. All the Dad's and the Bishop in the ward love to play soccer so they put in some soccer games for me and it was super fun! It was hard to do it in a dress haha but they can't wait to play soccer with me. They're having a Stake Sports Day next Saturday and they're all so excited. I am too! But the cute Old Grandma's in our ward taught us Korean Dances and they even brought out the Ping Pong Tables and had an intense game of Ping Pong.
This week lot's of appointments fell through but we're still working hard. My current companion goes home next week so I'll be getting a new companion!! So we've been getting her packed and things and working hard for her last week and a half.
I'e been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon and Alma 56 and 57 talks about Helaman and the Stripling Warriors. I started crying while reading these chapters because Helaman cares so much for his "Sons" ad their faith in the Lord just blows me away! I sat there reading with tears streaming down my face because I was so amazed and the love they have for each other and the Lord. If you have time please read them.
Anyways I love you all and have such a great week!! Sorry I don't have any pictures this week because I need to by a Card Reader to plug into the computer... haha no worries I'll send lots next week! :)
-P.S Sorry for my spelling errors.... haha it's propably going to get worse as time goes on!
-Sister Kaufusi 
Week 3; SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

Hellooo it's me! (Adele Voice)

It's already Monday again?! This is crazy! This week has flown by and so many miracles have happened!
1. 박순회 was the Woman who called us last week and wanted to meet with us to learn English, we tuaght her the first lesson and she told us she believes in Prophets! We're finishing the first lesson with her today so I'm really excited to see how it goes. I'm also really excitd because we're going to invite her to come watch General Conference with us as well. She does the traditional fan dancing and I want her to teach my Companion and I how to do it! She truly is amazing and her work ethic to learn english is amazing.
2.  We had Zone Training this past week! Which was really fun because I got to see people from my MTC District! So good to see everyone.
3. ALSO! Happy Late Birthday to my BEAUTIFUL Sister. So lucky to call her my older Sis. I love you Alexis! Someday when I'm back from the Mish you can be my Fitness Coach and get me into real good shape. haha
4. Happy Birthday to my TWINNER TWINNER this Sunday! Dev, I love you you're doing amazing out in Switzerland!
5. Oh this week I also had to give the Spiritual thought in English Class. And run the last half hour of it. Pretty intimidating but we had so many people come! It went well and all of the Koreans are really nice. They all love to learn English. We'll be walking down the streets saying hi to people and they'll just run up to us and say Hi in English or "I love AMERICA!"
6. Also another Major Miracle we had was we were coming home from one of or Proselyting Activites and we were late, and we missed our bus stop to get home. So we were hurrying home when we were walking past this man, we said hello and he stopped and said hi to us in English! He was really excited to see us. He told us he was meeting with the Missionaries before but then his Mom Died a year ago and then his personal life got hectic. He moved away but recently moved back here to Korea. He said he's been to our Church a couple of times but that he was looking for the Missionaries and he was happy he saw us walking home. It was such perfect timing!! If we didn't get off on the right stop, or came home just minutes before, we wouldn't have ran into him. We got his number and sent it to the Elders. What a miracle!!
7. PROSELYTING ACTIVITY. There was a big festival going on in Chungju this week so we made signs with "Questions of the Heart" and people would stick stickers on which one they wanted to know more about. It was really fun. So many people and it was so fun!
I've learned a lot this week. I've been reading in Alma Chapters 17-20 about Ammon. This story is amazing and the faith they have to go out and preach the Gospel to the Lamanites who absolutely hated the Nephites but they went out with so much faith. I suggest you read those chapters if you have time. There's some beautiful verses in all those chapters about the light of Christ and how it changed some people.
Patience is another thing I've learned a lot. Sometimes I wish I can just speak Korean but I have to pace myself. Having patience and long-suffering and I know that if I learn a little bit at a time, the Lord will help me! Anyways I love this work and I love you all so so much! Have an amazing week everyone!
Pics: 1. Proselyting Activity! So much fun!
2. Our investigator 호소연 She has a baptismal date! She's so cute.
3. My Mom sent me a package with some goodies in it and I was really excited about the Reese's. Thanks Mom!
I love this work!
-카푸시 자매

Monday, September 19, 2016

Korea Korea Korea Weeks 1 & 2!

Hello Everyone!!
Oh  man this week has been probably the longest week of my life. Haha we finally got to leave the MTC! It was so bittersweet. Sister Christensen and I made sure we had everything packed and ready to go two nights before we left!
So the flight to Korea was awesome, haha we flew to Seattle first and then straight to Korea. It was so funny because on our flight from Seattle to Korea we almost missed our flight! There were 15 Missionaries, and our other plane ride came in late. We were running so fast thru the airport people thought we were weird haha. But! We made it with 5 minutes to spare. It was a blessing we made our flight. The flight was long, but we were all so anxious to get to Korea and very excited! When we finally landed our Mission President, and His wife was there to meet us, and they are so nice. President and Sister Madsen welcomed us right into their Mission Family and took us out everywhere to eat food. THE FOOD HERE is amazing! I love it so much!
So I am in an area called Chungju! I love it here! I  got a new Companion, and she is awesome! Her name is Sister Zuniga; she is from Texas, and she goes home in 5 weeks! Kind of sad but she honestly is the best and helps me a lot with the language and things. My second day while we were out proselyting I got to talk to an amazing Korean Woman about her life and her family. I had broken Korean, but the Spirit prompted me to talk to her, so I tried my best. I was speaking to her in Korean and told her I was from America and then she started to speak English to me. Haha, she asked me if I was going to be okay here in Korea and I just laughed and said yes. I pray I see her again; she had the light of Christ in her even though she was Catholic. I love going out and proselyting because I love telling people about how amazing this Church is. It brings so much happiness and blessings to people's life, they all should get the chance to hear it! We are currently teaching two investigators right now, and they are so cute. Her American name is Sarah, and she is 13 years old. We taught her about prayer and repentance, and she has so much energy about her. She has a baptismal date, and we are starting to teach her the lessons.
We also went and taught some members, and I bore my testimony to them, and they are so kind and loving! The members made our dinner, and it was good. I ate a lot. I was so full after. I continue to try and do better and to have faith. It's been a crazy week, and I've been overwhelmed at times, but I know that with my faith, and with Hope, God will help me.The antidote for things like that is service!! Serving others brings me a lot of happiness! I love helping the people here.  He knows how to comfort us in times of need and is always with us. It's up to us if we want Heavenly Father in our lives. He obeys our agency; it is up to us to turn to Heavenly Father and seek him. He is there waiting and always wants to help us. He loves all of his children so much and nothing can seperate us from the Love of Christ.
So sorry I don't have any pictures to send home this week I forgot my chord! But next week I will for sure :)
1. Food is amazing
2. The People are Amazing
3. Everyday I get told I am super tall, I have really long eyelashes, and that I am super tall again. haha Makes me feel good because I can finally feel like I fit in with my fam now!!
4. I love this Gospel and I love this work. It's amazing and brings so much joy.
Have a great week everyone!
-Sister Kaufusi

Sorry for the late email everyone! My Companion and I were doing Companionship study when we got a call from a Woman who wanted to meet with us and do the 30/30 program. 30 Minutes of Enlgish and 30 minutes of us sharing the Gospel. We were so excited we dropped everything we were doing and ran as quick as we could to the Church! We taught this Woman some English and then started to teach her about the Gospel. She seems amazing and agreed to meet with us two more times this week! She's learning about the Restoration right now so I'm really excited how this will go. Where do I even begin! This week has been tough I'll be honest. Walking around in a foreign Country and trying to speak a foreign language can be one tough thing to do! But the Lord helps me through it when I speak and people understand me.. I think ;) ha! This week we had Mission Tour! Which was really amazing because we got to hear from Brother Choi who is one of the 70 covering all of Asia. His wife and Him did a great workshop and he spoke about how it is a gift to speak and that we shouldn't be scared or anything to speak this language to people. The Lord called us to the work and he will always provide a way! They said a lot of amazing things for me and it really helped strengthen me,and my testimony.
SO. Story time:
Some members called us last week and really wanted to take us out to dinner. So of course we went and they actually lived in Provo for a bit! So we talked about Provo and their family and we were at a really nice Korean food restuarant and food just kept coming. There was this one fish, we have no idea what it was but my Companion and I put it in our mouths and were like WHAT IS THIS?! I started to sweat it was something out of this world hahaha my Companion was laughing so hard watching me eat it. It was such an intresting taste.. Pretty sure it was stingray or something but after my Companion kept looking at me and told me to keep eating it... So i told myself I would try and with a lot of Kimchi I did. hahaha it was funny!
I also gave out a Book of Mormon this week to a cute girl on the train! She was a student and she's buddhist but she was very kind and gave me some food as well. She's a student studying french but I told her we could help her with her English.
We visited a former investigator named Lisa who is from the Phillipines. She only speaks english but she is a strong Christian and believes in the Bible. We had a long talk about the Goodness of God and how God has a plan for us all. She is uneasy about the Book of Mormon but no worries the Lord will help her!
I also gave a talk in Church yesterday and I was so nervous. Haha I got up and was so tall I had to bend over to speak! Once I sat down the cute old ladies patted me on the back and said good job.
Mission Work is hard, but it is so amazing and I love it! It's the best decision I have ever made and I know I have a long way to go but Heavenly Father is always there to help us. To pick us up when we are struggling and make us into something better than we ever thought we could be. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Have a great week everybody!
There's more picures on my blog if you want to check it out!
The last picture is from some ofthe Sisters I served with at the MTC!
-Sister Kaufusi

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Goodbye America

 So... Daryl is officially in Korea. She made and she's alive, she's well, and they've already corrupted her to think their food is amazing. I think she forgot how good Mexican food is since she hasn't had it in weeks. Poor thing. Daryl did get to spend the last 6 days of the MTC with her friend Sav Pinegar, who I also tried to convince to not go. I told her to get Daryl and I would pick them up and bring them home but they decided to stick it out... Lets hope North Korea keeps their hands to themselves for the next 13 months or they will have to answer to me! And anyone who's seen me at Daryl's soccer games knows I can get feisty when it comes to my baby sister. So here is her LAST email while in America and in the MTC: 

Hey hi Hey Everybody!!
It's fall time and oooooh I can smell Football in the air!!! Football season is here and I'm so excited for the BYU Football team!(Go Corb and Dad!) I'll be cheerin nice and loud all the way from Korea!! 
Next time you hear from me I'll be in Korea! Crazy to think my time is already done here in the MTC, it's been such an amazing experience and I've learned so much here! This week has probably been the longest week here just because we're all so excited to head over to Korea! I mean I may not know how to say a lot over there but I do know how to Testify, I can pray, smile and just LOVE the people of Korea!

We have to say goodbye to all our Teachers this week and I'm going to be a MESS. Ugh oh man I hope they're ready for a Sobbing Sister Kaufusi to just be hugging them for so long before I leave. They've all taught me so much and they are all Angels!! The Lord blessed me extra with Sister Lee, Sister Choi and Brother Hone (Sorry if any of these are spelled wrong!) They're all amazing!!

This week has been crazy. We had to teach two of our Investigators for the last time. As a Missionary you really learn to care so much for your investigators. They consume my thoughts 24/7 and we plan, we love them and we pray for them all the time! So it was sad we had to teach our last lessons. I'm so excited to share this message of the Gospel to other people because it brings so much Joy. A message that can help people in their lives! AHH I get so excited when I think about it. Also we get our Korean Name tags this week so that is really exciting! 

The amount of crazy Adventures that go on here at the MTC is Unreal!!

1. We had a fake "Transfer Meeting" last week and my Cute Companion was tearing up because we were separated for the first time and it hit us that that will be happening soon! haha She is the cutest I love her so much.
2. I locked My Companion and I out of our room one night... so we had to run across the MTC Campus in our night gowns and barefeet awkwardly telling the people at the Front desk we got locked out.
3. Another night we were running away from the Lady Security Guard in our building because one of our Sisters on a different floor was very sick and we were checking on her to see if she was okay, but since we were on a different floor The Security Guard wouldn't let us talk to the Sister in our Branch. But we really wanted to help her so we were dodging the Security Guard like non-other so she wouldn't find us! We would hear her coming down the hallway and run and hide so fast. 
4. My Companion hid underneath my Bed the other night to try and grab my legs and scare me... but no worries I was too far away from the bed for her to do it!
5. My Companion accidentally said "I have a child" in our lesson and it was the funniest thing of my life. She meant to say "When I was a child"  haha our Investigator was laughing pretty hard.
6. Found SAVPIN today at the MTC. She is one of my best friends and we've been besties for 14 years! We grew up together, elementary, middle, high school even our first semester of College was together! We ran to each other and we cried and were laughing at the same time we were so happy to see each other!. haha I love her so much! Welcome to the MTC Savpin! 
Have a great week everyone I love you all!! 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

One More P-Day then off to Korea!‏

Blah Blah Blah... Due to Daryl leaving to Korea soon and my slight disappointment in her for not coming home after my many bribes, I shall send her boxes of fattening desserts. So she will get fatter. I will also workout more so I will have a rocking bod when she comes home and then she will be jealous she didn't stay home and work out and get a new puppy. Here's her email... also I've been denied Sunday stalking and visits :( another reason to make her fat lol.
Happy Wednesday Everybodyyyyy!!

Okay so let's start off with saying that this past week has been the busiest week of my life here at the MTC! But I love every bit of it!! So. Like I said, last Wednesday we got so many new Missionaries and it was mine and the Zone Leader's responsibility to get all of them to their meetings 10 minutes early and on time to everything. I don't know much about Farmers and herding but MAN. Herding a bunch of Missionaries to one place is a lot harder than we thought!! haha There was so many of them and we were running all over campus to find them and herd them back with the rest of the new missionaries. Lots of Interviews, Meetings, and "Welcome to the MTC!" and being the STL a lot of the Sisters were sick this week with health issues but no worries we are alive and well!

ALSO. The Three Kaufusi bunch here at the MTC has dwindled down to 2! Elder Jackson Kaufusi left to Australia this past Monday and I wish him the best of luck! Also my other Cousin Sister Chloe Cox left to Virginia as well. I tried holding back my tears when they left but I love them all so much and know they will be amazing Missionaries. Not a lot of people get to say they had 3 cousins with them here at the MTC! What a blessing!

This past week was amazing. I have learned so much. One of our Sisters, got dry socket from a tooth being pulled and was really sick one day. She couldn't get out of bed and her and her Companion were fairly new. I didn't want her Companion to miss out on her Language time to learn so I told her I would be with her companion while she was in class. The first thought that came to my mind was "Stress" for I was missing 3 hours of my learning time as well and I was scared I would fall behind the others in my District.  I had been In N out of class all week. But I went to visit her and sat on the ground next to Sis. C(who was sick) and we decided to read our scriptures together. I started to read to her and it was such an amazing experience. I sat there feeling foolish of myself because I was so worried on my Language study rather than serving and helping others and the Lord helped me realize that! My purpose here isn't to learn the language. It's to invite, help, love, and bring others unto Christ! The language will come. Anyways We got talking and she told me of her conversion story.

She is from the Philippines, and was the first in her family to be baptized. One of her friends was a Mormon and told her she should start meeting with the Missionaries. Of course her family refused but she would tell her Mom every week "If I clean the house, do all the chores etc, can the Missionaries come over?" And of course her Mom said yes. Long story short she was baptized and later her whole family followed. She loves Missionary work and volunteered in the Philippines to be a Missionary before her actual Mission call to Korea! So she was serving as a Missionary for 18 months already before her actual Mission Call here! She told me she loves missionary work. She went through a lot of health problems but she shared with me a bunch of experiences she had and how the Lord had blessed her. I was amazed. She left everything to come serve a mission and I just love her so much! It made me realize that it really is all about serving others. It was a very humbling experience for me. She also got to meet with the Missionary Couple that taught her and converted her the other day! It was so exciting. 

1. Had to give the Opening prayer last night at the Devotional. Brother Uceda came and spoke and it was amazing. I was so nervous to get up and say the prayer haha I WAS DYING. But no worries I didn't face plant it on the ground or anything. 
2. I got a package full of candy the other day and I made a candy trail for all the Elders to follow down the stairs of our building. My Companion and I were hiding and you just see all these Elders come around the corner picking up Hi-Chews off the ground yelling "KAPUSHI I KNOW THIS WAS YOU!" (They don't want to eat anymore candy because apparently they are all getting "Fat" as they put it.)

3. Quote(s) of the Week at the MTC:
 "So. I hear the MTC has wifi.... but... we wouldn't know.."
"Sister Kaufusi I've been training to fight your Brother Bronson."-All the Elders

Anyways I love you all and I hope you have an amazing week! Also we get our flight plans to Korea this Friday so that is exciting!! 

-Sister Kaufusi 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Warning: Bat on our floor SAY WHAT?!‏

Happy Wednesday!!

Alright alright let me just tell you this past week has been AMAZING. Our Senior Districts in our Branch all left to Korea this past Monday and let me tell you it was so sad. A lot of us Sisters were all really close to each other and when it was time to say goodbye we didn't want them to leave! On Sunday night they were all up late packing and Kava came in at about Midnight and tucked us all in bed. It threw me off because first of all, I was dead asleep and then out of nowhere someone is wrapping me up like a burrito! With one eye closed and the other one barely opened I saw that it was Kava. It's amazing to hear everybody's stories on why they want to serve and how they all got here. The faith all these Elders and Sisters have here at the MTC blow me away. Despite their hardships and trials in life they have so much faith to go on a Mission having faith that the Lord will bless them in their trials and bless their families while they are gone. I love it!

THE TIME IS TICKING DOWN. We have 19 days until we leave to Korea! How amazing is that?! I don't know whether I should be in complete terror or be absolutely excited. Just kidding... I'm so EXCITED. (And a little nervous...but 98% is excitement. :) We call the MTC the little Incubator for us or the training wheels. 

Just a little spiritual thought for the week: This past devotional Sister Oscarson, the YW's General President came and spoke to us. She talked about how obedience is so important. She said Missions are hard because 1. You have to work hard, but 2. As Missionaries we are learning how to forget ourselves and we are learning to give all of our time, effort, energy and every single moment to the Lord. We're looking outward to help others instead of always thinking about ourselves first. I loved that because it is a good reminder! She also said that Our individual Missions are the training grounds for our life.
 The Lord called us for a specific reason. We all have a purpose here in life. And we are all going to go through hard times. But the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes we have to be humble and be willing to humbly accept that his plan is better than ours. She shared the Mormon Message about the current bush. It's called "The Will of God"  I encourage you all to watch this! It has had a major impact to so many people throughout the world and this Mormon Message changed my perspective on life when I was a sophomore in High School. This video has a special place in my heart and I know it has a massive influence on the way we look at our trials and things. 

1. I was holding on to Kava's leg for the longest time because I did not want her to leave me. 
2. Their was a BAT ON OUR FLOOR. We all had to evacuate our floor and all the girls were on the ground crawling out the door screaming because they were scared the Bat was going to give them rabies. hahaha I even looked in and the Security Guards trying to catch the Bat were on the ground screaming with Trash bags hahaha. 
3. NEW MISSIONARIES TODAY! It's going to be a very busy busy day for us getting all the everyone here! Our Branch will now hold 111 people combined! Biggest branch here. Wowza
4. Update on people running into the Machines. Met a sister the other day who rammed her arm into it. haha I felt sorry for her and told her she wasn't the first one.
Anyways I love you all and I love the MTC! I love being a Missionary and it makes me super happy! I love it I love it I love it
-Sister Kaufusi 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11 안녕하심니까

Now... for those of you who follow me on social media you would know that yes I 1. stalked my sister at the MTC 2. I saw her and 3. I asked her to get in my car and leave with me. Well she didn't seem to keen to get in the car and I would've put her in there myself but there were so many people around I figured I shouldn't. The idea, besides kidnapping her, was that maybe if I tackled her hard enough she would fall over get hurt and have to come home. Yes I'm terrible I know. #BigSisterSTILLagainstMissions.
Daryl is so lucky she is surrounded with cousins in the MTC. I saw my cousin Chloe and there during the Sunday Stalking (Aunt Gina she was there around 12:00) but there was an angry looking old lady next to her giving me dirty looks so I decided not to make her more angry. But apparently she's in some leadership position and is an STL. I asked her if that stood for Strange Tall Lady, except she isn't tall and due to the movie theater experience we can confirm that she is indeed a lady and we all know she's very strange. Did you know missionaries can't chew gum? 

Reason 183 why I couldn't go on a mission: I would be denied my green trident gum which I rely on far too much.

The things I've noticed about my siblings when they are in full missionary mode:
  1. Their spelling and grammar in their emails are HORRENDOUS.
  2. They begin to care about things like modesty. After seeing Daryl running around the temple modesty doesn't suite her quite as well as soccer shorts and tank tops. That's just me.
  3. They start to appreciate their other siblings a lot more than they did while they were at home.
I was laughing at her email about the pranking. Only because her and her friends the Power of 6 would always prank and scare Devin. That is called karma. I am just about done making Daryl this cute little book with pictures of our family and her life. She noted that we must all be dressed appropriately and shirts must be on. There went half the pictures from our beach trips since no one ever wears shirts at the beach. Here is Daryl's email though. Sunday Stalking takes place from 12:00-1:00 at the temple parking lot under the shaded area by the silver car with the Deathly Hollows sticker on the back (Harry Potter): 
Friends and Family!!
5/9 Weeks done in the MTC!! You know what that means right?? In 3 weeks we head off to Korea! We ordered our Tags the other day! 카푸시 자매 is what my name will be! They pronounce it (KA-POO-SHI Sister) their grammar is flipped around so my last name comes first then Sister.  So exciting!! Also no worries I found all my cousins here at the MTC. I ran and Hugged all of them so tight and I love them so much! I got to do a session with one of my Cousin's Loa and it was a really awesome/special experience for me. We said a little prayer together and then cried together. haha I'm so proud of you Jackson, Loa and Chloe! I know they're going to be amazing Missionaries. 
THIS PAST WEEK. It was full of miracles and tender mercies. We teach "Investigators" and we were teaching our one investigator 김자매님 and the Spirit was so strong in our Lesson and we were talking about Baptism and guess what! She told us she wanted to get baptized!! At first Sister Christensen and I had no idea what she was saying to us so we kept on having her repeat it then finally she said in English "I Want" and then we were all freaking out! My jaw literally dropped after she said that and we were so happy and filled with joy I was crying, my Companion was crying, and our "investigator"  김자매님 was crying. It was a glorious day. Now our investigators are just our Teachers pretending to be investigators just so we can have practice but I can honestly tell you it was such an amazing experience because I felt so much love for our investigator. I don't think of her as my teacher but an actual investigator. We've been teaching her about the Gospel and to finally see that she is understanding it and wanting to get baptized was amazing! I feel so much love for her!! Even though my Korean isn't the best, I try to speak my heart and she understands. Also we have amazing teachers here I say that all the time but they are all Angels.

Also! I was just recently called to be the STL(Sister Training Leader) over our entire Branch! Our branch is the biggest branch here at the MTC. I'm so excited and I know it'll be a lot of work but I'm very humbled and grateful to have this calling. I love it!! We get 50 new Missionaries coming into our Branch so I'm really excited to get them all here.
So. This past Sunday, I'm walking on my Temple walk and I see a line of cars parked in the Temple Parking lot... I'm very suspicious because I see one car that looks like my Sisters and out of no where I see her head POKE OUT of the Window and she just smiles rebelliously. haha ALEXIS you sneaky person! I saw my Dad and my Uncle too! So fun to see them! Pretty sure Alexis attacked me on the Temple Grounds and I about had a heart attack but it was so nice to see her. It seemed like they were camping out there for a while! They're good at stalkingFace with tears of joy

Story #2. 
Elder Nielson came and talked to us!! That's two Apostles in less than two months! CRAZY. And a rumor is going around that Elder Holland is coming within the next two weeks... I'm beyond excited. It's amazing! Elder Anderson had some powerful words and one thing that I liked that he said was he shared the Scripture Jeremiah 16:16 
"Behold, will send for many fisherssaith the Lord,and they shall fish them; and after will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain,and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks"
 After He pointed at all of us Missionaries and said "Sometimes you are fishers, and sometimes you must be Hunters" His whole talk was on how sometimes as Missionaries we give up on finding people or teaching our investigators. It's when in that moment we must keep going and be HUNTERS. :) 

It comes to find out all the Sisters in our District are all into pranking and scaring each other. All the Sisters in the Senior District HID on top of my closet and IN My closet and scared my Companion and I sooo BAD. I don't think I've ever screamed so loud in my entire life. It's the highest I've ever screamed too. So now it's a competition and it's even gotten to the point where we hide underneath their beds before they wake up and grab their legs when they're coming out of bed!! haha so now I'M SO ALERT AT ALL TIMES. 
A funny thing our Elders did was when they were in teaching our "Investigator", our Teacher wasn't in the room because she had to use the bathroom so to be funny they wrote her a note and said "Sorry we missed you, here's some pamphlets for your HW." Then slid the note under the door with some Gospel Pamphlets and ran back to our room. hahaha about five minutes later our Teacher came in laughing so hard holding the notes and just blabbering Korean at us! We had no idea what she was saying but it was super funny!

Anywaaaaays I love being a Missionary! The feelings I have felt here and that I'm continuing to feel is indescribable. I love being a Missionary, it honestly makes me so happy. I love you all and no worries everybody!! I finally remembered what my blog was. There's more pictures on there and My Beautiful Sister always likes to put a little bit of her own twist to the blog. Face with tears of joy It's   Have a great week!